Unleash your creativity with Imagina 2.0!

Introducing the new, more accurate and now voice-controlled version of Imagine, so you can transform your ideas into detailed, high-resolution images in a matter of seconds. Explore, create and share your imaginations with the world now!

We are pleased to announce the latest version of our Imagine feature. Now with unprecedented accuracy, more detail and higher resolution, Imagine will create your unique images with deeper processing. And yes, you guessed it, you can now order using your voice!

Just say or type 'imagine' followed by what you would like to see, and in a matter of seconds, Luzia will create a unique image designed especially for you.

With Imagina, the possibilities are endless and limited only by your creativity. Whether you are visualizing an underwater landscape with flying fish or a parallel universe where mountains talk, Imagina is here to capture and make your ideas come true.

Share your creations! πŸ“ΈπŸ”„

Try it now and, if you love what you create, we invite you to share it in our gallery, a space where we can all appreciate and celebrate each other's creativity and imagination.

Experience the magic of transforming your thoughts into images with Luzia Imagine 2.0. Your creativity can now fly higher: describe your ideas in as much detail as you can, and let Luzia translate them into unique and accurate images - the more detailed, the more amazing the result!

We Have Heard You 🎀πŸ‘₯

At Luzia, your feedback is invaluable. Many of you have shared with us your ideas and comments on how to improve Imagina and, we have been listening! And together, we have refined Imagina to make it more powerful, more accurate and, above all, more in tune with your creativity and needs.


Are you ready to explore the limits of your imagination with Luzia Imagina 2.0?


Download Luzia for free