Luzia exceeds 20 million users

THANK YOU ALL! Luzia is already the assistant of more than 20 million people 🌍, consolidating its position as the No. 1 AI Assistant on WhatsApp worldwide.

In this new era of technological revolution, Luzia marks a historic milestone in the access to Artificial Intelligence. Luzia already helps more than 20 million people around the world in their daily lives. From technology enthusiasts to those simply looking for a pleasant chat. Each person, with their unique needs, finds a different way to make Luzia work for them.

A Milestone in Numbers

In just 8 months since its launch, Luzia has established itself as WhatsApp's most popular Intelligent Assistant globally, processing more than 1.3 billion requests and helping people around the world, with or without a background in technology, integrate AI into their daily lives.

To put it in perspective... 20 million users could fill 400 soccer stadiums! And if we put together all the messages exchanged with Luzia, we could rewrite the Harry Potter saga almost 18,000 times. Incredible!

An Assistant For All

This success not only demonstrates Luzia's effectiveness as an AI tool, but also its ability to make artificial intelligence accessible and useful for everyone. And that's where the real beauty of Luzia lies: it's for EVERYONE! 

What started as a small project has now transformed into a mission: to bring the power of AI to everyone. And we see this vision becoming a reality every day, with each new user benefiting from Luzia's capabilities. From quick consultations and translations to meaningful conversations and emotional support, Luzia is changing the way we interact with artificial intelligence, offering users an intuitive, easy-to-use, and free AI chat platform.

A Special Thank You

This milestone would not have been possible without our users, whose trust and commitment have made Luzia a living and constantly growing reality.

"When we launched Luzia, our vision was ambitious but clear: to make AI a useful and accessible tool for everyone," says Alvaro Higes, creator and CEO of Luzia. "Every user finds unique value in Luzia and integrates it in a personal way into their life. As we celebrate this achievement, we are already focused on our next big goal: reaching the next 20 million users."

Let's go for more!

With the recent $10 million investment, we are ready to take Luzia to more places and further improve its service and user experience. So here we are, celebrating this major milestone and already looking to the future. Can you imagine where we will go in the coming months?

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